Mecanim is the Bomb

February 28th, 2015

Jesus, it’s been a long day. Full day at work, followed by an evening of tweaking vertices and exploring Unity’s Mecanim animation system. But it’s been worth it. I have to say this system is rather mind-blowing compared to what I’ve been doing before. You can just download animations from Unity’s asset store and apply them to any humanoid character! It’s ridiculous. I still don’t entirely understand how to edit these animation clip files, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out eventually. Like tomorrow, most likely.

I’ll have something to show off soon, but in the meantime check out this game: LINK

If there’s anything that might get me back into miniatures that would be these things. They are hands down the finest miniatures I’ve ever seen. Perhaps the best of Warmachine is on the same level. But of course the Arena Rex ones represent gladiators, so they’re inherently better. That’s just common sense.

Now for a little bit of Hearthstone before I lay my weary head to rest…

— Peace and sweet dreams


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