Unknown Sector Released

February 24th, 2010

Unknown Sector has been on the site for a few days now, but now it’s at last going into general distribution and should start showing up on portals in the next few days. Release is always a nerve-wracking time, with expectations cautiously set and mental preparations made for potential surprises. I’ve only really been through one other release, for Gun Nomads, which well exceeded my expectations in popularity. I doubt Unknown Sector will beat that 106,000 hits/day peak of Gun Nomads, but I’m still optimistic. While it may not have a story or highly textured environments, it is in many ways a better game than Gun Nomads. IMO Unknown Sector does have more gameplay variety, better difficulty scaling and arguably a better sense of progress.

This game has taken me about two and a half months to finish, and it never would have gotten made if I had known it would take that long. I initially thought since I already had so much reusable functionality from my first two games, that making a high caliber space shooter would be a one-month cake walk. I’ll consider this a lesson learned: reusing code only gets you so far. Just because two games lie roughly in the same genre does not mean you can tweak and nudge one game’s code to make the other.

Posted in Current Games | 9 Comments »


9 Responses to “Unknown Sector Released”

  1. Juan Says:

    Hi, I wanted to know how to obtain credits in Unknown Sector. I cant log in if that has something to do…

  2. Sam Raski Says:

    You don’t have to login to get credits. You get credits from completing levels.

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  6. konkurrencer Says:

    Is this the full article? I think somethings missing…

  7. Sam Raski Says:

    It’s just a very short article.

  8. Lease Purchase Says:

    yea nice Work 😀

  9. konkurrencer Says:

    Come on guys post some comments this is a good article! Where is everybody?